easter island theory

Antiquity Lives: Recent Study Challenges Popular Theory Regarding
Easter Island History - The history of Easter Island involves more than the Modern exploration with the use of sonar has proven this theory to be false.
Easter Island
May 12, 2010 Easter Island discovery sends archaeologists back to drawing board. Archaeologists have disproved the 50-year-old theory underpinning our
Easter Island Statues
New research unravels Easter Island moai theory . Posted on June 15, 2010 by Bob Berwyn. Moai at Ranu Raraju, Easter Island . PHOTO COURTESY THE WIKIMEDIA
Interesting Science: Easter Island : New Theory , Attenborough Video
Oct 21, 2008 Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography,
Easter Island Head by ~ Theory -of-khaos on deviantART
Indeed, in the end, Heyerdahl himself toned down the Southern American origin theory . Still, many mysteries of Easter Island remain, like the enigmatic
Easter Island History
May 12, 2010 Archaeologists have disproved the fifty-year-old theory underpinning our understanding of how the famous stone statues were moved around
Easter Island's demise caused by rats, Dutch traders says new theory
Dec 6, 2005 A University of Hawaii anthropologist and colleagues are blaming rats and Dutch traders for the mysterious abandonment of Easter Island .
Discovery Overturns Easter Island Theory - Science News - redOrbit
Native Flag of Easter Island - Reimiro. Easter Island is the world's ..... Another theory is that the moai may have been "walked" by rocking them forward.
The stone heads of Easter Island
One theory suggests that Easter Island was inhabited by Polynesian seafarers, who traveled thousands of miles in their canoes, guided by the stars,
Aspects of Easter Island - Cultural Origins ...
Dec 6, 2005 Rats and Dutch traders may be responsible for the mysterious demise of Easter Island according to research presented last week during an
Radiocarbon Revision Leads to New Easter Island Theory - Science
What is your theory on Easter Island ? What are those giant statues for and how did they get there? How does this relate to our modern selfs?
Easter Island discovery sends archaeologists back to drawing board
Heyerdahl's theory of Easter Island settlement is the best known of various composite culture hypotheses and the only one that is in any sense still viable.
The Mystery of Easter Island
Easter Island (Rapa Nui: Rapa Nui, Spanish: Isla de Pascua) is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the
MassLive News - Easter Island boat voyage gives weight to theory
Feb 2, 2007 1) New Theory : "Rats, not men, to blame for death of Easter Island " 2) Video clip from the BBC series "State of the Planet"
What is your theory on Easter Island ? What are those giant statues
In a telephone interview from Easter Island yesterday, Buck, 35, stopped short of claiming that he had proved that theory . "But it showed it was possible,"