easter eggs in excel

Easter Eggs in Excel 2007 - MrExcel Message Board
14 Jan 2010 How to Find the Easter Egg in Microsoft Excel . In the technology world, the term " Easter egg " refers to a hidden feature that requires some
Easter Eggs in Excel ? - Excel Help Forum
2 Aug 2007 If you've been using computers for a long time, you know what the term Easter Egg means when related to software. An Easter Egg is a small
Excel Easter Eggs
19 Jul 1999 How to find the "Excel 97 Flight to Credits" Easter Egg in
Admins-Tipps.net - Easter - Eggs : Die Späße der Programmierer - [ Translate this page ] 2. Nov. 2004 Eastereggs sind versteckte Funktionen oder Gimmicks in einem Programm. Die Programmierer von Excel sind anscheinend treue Fans der www.admins-tipps.net/software/eastereggs.htm - Cached - Similar Excel + Easter Egg - Forum - CHIP Online - [ Translate this page ] Hi Ich habe gehört das es bei Excel ein Easter Egg gibt(autofahren oder so)!?! Weiß jemand vielleicht wie man das hinbekommt?? Danke. forum.chip.de › Software › Office - Cached - Similar Easter egg in Excel 2007 ?
7 Sep 2001 How to find the "Excel 97 Flight Simulator - for Later
Daily Dose of Excel » Blog Archive » Excel Easter Eggs
I know that in earlier versions of MS excel there were some easter eggs , eg the alt+ctrl+shift when cursor in certain cell combination opened the racing
Are there any Easter Eggs for Excel 2003? - ExcelBanter
Easter eggs in the 1997 version of Microsoft Office include a hidden flight
Excel Easter Eggs
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 29 Oct 2007Microsoft has been slowly eliminating Easter Eggs in their products... here is John Wlakenbach's page on Excel Easter Eggs , with no mention
Easter Egg Hunt: Hidden Treasures in Your Design Software
17 Sep 2007 My Web site has a page that describes how to access the Easter Eggs in Excel 95, 97, 2000, and 2002. Greg Schultz, at Tech Republic,
How to Find the Easter Egg in Microsoft Excel | eHow.com
10 Jul 2009 For those of you still using Excel 97, and haven't yet found its Easter Egg , try this and you will get a flight simulator:
Fun With Excel - Games and Geek Entertainment
While new software Easter eggs don't come around often, there's still a and shows you Excel developer credits. (I don't have a copy of Excel 97 any more
The Spreadsheet Page - Excel Oddities: Excel Easter Eggs
This document shares the secret of viewing Excel's easter eggs . Note: Easter eggs were present in Excel 5 through Excel 2000.
Windows XP Easter Egg Hidden Secret Trick » My Digital Life
In the office assistant type " easter eggs " ( no qoutes ) 2. Click on the button that says how to make a map of the Middle East. Excel 2000
Easter Eggs in Excel « Such Is Life…
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: 2 Aug 2009Is there an Easter Egg in Excel 2007 and if so how do I access it?
Excel Easter Eggs
Launch Excel and press F5. Type: x2000:|2000 and press Enter. Hold Ctrl + Shift. Click the Chart Wizard and enjoy the credits.
Top 10 Software Easter Eggs
4 Feb 2009 For those of you still using Excel 97, and haven't yet found its Easter Egg , try this and you will get a flight simulator: