google earth easter egg

Easter egg in Google Earth | Message 1 of 18 | TechRepublic
Google Earth 4.2 comes with a nifty Easter egg - a hidden flight simulator! You can fly your virtual airplane through scenic destinations. Once you find the
Google Earth's Hidden Surprise: A Flight Simulator
Buried in the free mapping program Google Earth is a nifty flight simulator that lets you Last year Google removed this Easter Egg from Google Maps,
Artist Creates “Where's Waldo?” Easter Egg for Google Earth
17 Dec 2009 TechRepublic member .Martin. sent in this quick tip about the flight simulator easter egg in Google Earth , version 4.2 or later.
Google easter eggs : 15 best hidden jokes - Telegraph
15 Apr 2007 How to find the "Google Headquarters Swimming Pool" Easter
Google Earth Easter Eggs - Secret Locations and Hidden View Jokes
18 Oct 2007 Crocodile Man Easter Egg in Google Earth
Google Earth Easter Egg - How to Find the Hidden Flight Simulator
22 Dec 2008 How to find the "Not Iraq" Easter Egg in Google Earth . Open
iPod Shuffle in Google EarthEaster Egg | Mighty Optical Illusions
17 Sep 2009 Another 3D buildings easter egg hidden inside Google Earth , this time recreating the famous bridge jump scene from Blues Brothers, the 1980
Google Earth Easter Egg : Flight Simulator
31 Jan 2007 Pingback by Google Earth erases Google Earth oddities 25/40 « !anaj ,em The easter eggs are the best part, of course, at least for the
My five favourite Google Earth Oddities « !anaj ,em s'taht
31 Aug 2007 Apparently, the latest version of Google Earth has an easter egg : a flight simulator. It's not quite like Microsoft Flight Simulator,
Google Earth Easter Egg - Discuss Anything
15 Apr 2008 A young artist and web designer has created a game that she hopes will take off. Melanie Coles has hidden an enormous 55 ft painting of
Google Earth Easter Egg : Flight Sim
Google Earth Flight Simulator ( Easter Egg ) Hotkeys - Keyboard Shortcuts Previous page: Google Earth Next page: UNIX & Linux hotkeys - Keyboard
Google's hoaxes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
10 Nov 2005 Well while i was exploring the area near the colorado river ( i think!) i kinda saw a long line of arabic language all over the map
All hotkeys - Google Earth Flight Simulator ( Easter Egg ) Hotkeys
1 Sep 2007 Google Earth just got a little more fun with the help of a hidden flight simulator. To get to the sim on a ...
Google's Top 17 Easter Eggs , Gags, and Hoaxes - PCWorld
31 Aug 2007 Amazing but true: as spotted by Marco, Google has hidden a mini flight simulator within Google Earth . To access it for the first time,
Cool Easter egg : Google Earth's flight simulator | Webware - CNET
3 Aug 2009 The moon mission for Google earth has 2 funny easter eggs which are truly unexpected. One egg shows cheese peice and other the moon face.