software designers easter egg secret message

hidden message - The Yak's Lair
Easter eggs are hidden program features purposely included by the software programmers. They often reveal secret screens and messages . Here's a few easter
Adobe - tutorial : Secret agent menus
A software easter egg is a hidden feature, sometimes some kind of message from the developer team Microsoft Flight Simulator X, FSX, FS, Flight Sim,
Computers Applications Easter Eggs Hidden Secrets, The 101 Coolest
Easter Eggs ! I found this posted in a UseNet article, a while ago. ...... A dialog crediting "Knoll Software " as the original designers appears.
The 101 Coolest Easter Eggs Hidden in Your Software , DVDs and
Mar 1, 2005 As a result, you can create “ Easter eggs ”—special added features Similar to secret codes for video games, you can design a path has a spoken message , or a subtitle track with a text message or even an informational graphic. Viewers can use a DVD software player application to examine the
Easter Egg - Television Tropes & Idioms
 14 reviews - $27.42 - In stockVideo game designers hide Easter eggs too, but not the kind of Easter egg that you smell in music tracks and secret encoded messages to full blown additional game experiences. ..... Software Development & Engineering - General
The Easter eggs resource page
The Mozilla Firefox Easter eggMessage to IE team. Type "about:Mozilla" in the URL I have one up my sleeves – It's from the developers of Feeddemon.
Easter egg (media)
Feb 17, 2011 16 Dec 2008 Software Easter Eggs (Definition) - A hidden message or feature in an application. Secret - Hidden Internet Conference Level Up!: The Guide to Great Video Game Design
Dec 12, 2010 Home » Gadgets » Firefox Easter Egg Reveals Secret Message from Robots Faster eggs in software is a tradition as old as programming so
Dvd Easter Egg Codes
Here's an Easter Egg that will reveal the Venus in Furs splash screen and
Kevin Korb's Jokes: Easter eggs in Common Software Packages
Easter egg This page is part of an archive of Easter eggs in Sinclair It includes hidden features, secret messages , and strange game behaviour. There is a hidden message in the code: (c) Design Design Software Awful game concept
Hidden Easter Eggs In Microsoft
A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message , While computer- related Easter eggs are often found in software , For this reason, many developers have stopped the practice of adding Easter eggs to their software .
Firefox Easter Egg Reveals Secret Message from Robots to Mankind
Hidden Message in Enemy Intros Posted Monday, February 14 in Software > Video Secret Weapon Cache (NOT an egg ) Posted Friday, February 11 in Software
Spectrum Easter eggs -
Apr 4, 2010 One of the most famous easter eggs in software was the “flight simulator” From the unbeatable Freecell games to hidden messages in the movie Fight Secure by Design , Secure by Default, and Secure in Deployment
Are there subliminal messages in Microsoft Windows software
Jump to Software -based‎: Easter eggs are messages , videos, graphics, sound effects, eggs hidden in ROM, including lists of the developers ' names,
Hidden Easter Eggs in Software and The Security - 404 Tech Support
May 24, 2009 For those who do not know about Easter eggs ; they serve as kind of hidden messages and jokes from the developers and programmers.